Jackson's Service Center is now your local source for Automotive Air Conditioning (A/C) Service & Repair in Susanville, CA!

The most common car AC problems all manifest themselves in the same way. Warm air either blows out of your vents some of the time or all the time. Depending on the time of year here in Northern California, this can be a mild inconvenience, or a crisis large enough to make you stop driving your car due to the AC problems.
Most common car AC problems:
Failed condenser fan
Failed compressor
Electrical problem
Ventilation system malfunction
Fast or slow leak
One of the most common problems with the air conditioning system in your car isn’t actually a problem with your air conditioning system at all. Your vehicle is equipped with electric fans that cool the condenser at the front of your car while your car is stopped or traveling at low speeds. The fans often double as cooling fans for your engine’s cooling system as well so if they fail it can cause even bigger problems. These fans usually fail due to blown fuses or bad relays, but sometimes the fan motor can short or burn up as well.
Another one of the car AC problems you might experience is a bad compressor. The AC compressor in your car is simple but it operates at such high pressures it’s not unusual for it the fail even under normal operation. If your air conditioning system is ever opened due to a leak or to replace a component, it can allow contamination in the system increasing your chances of a failed compressor. To check for compressor failure, a measurement of the pressure rise across the compressor using a set of mechanic’s AC gauges, comparing to manufacture specifications can be completed. If the pressure rise is too low, your compressor is probably failing or failed.
Electrical problems are frustrating anywhere in your car but can cause mysterious problems in your air conditioning system as well. As sensors fail or wires short they can cause problems to appear one minute and be gone the next. If you’ve got a problem that comes and goes we might suggest starting with checking your system’s sensors for proper operation and the compressor signal wire for a short.
Another problem that isn’t actually in your air conditioning system is a problem with your ventilation system. Your ventilation system is designed with the heater core after the AC evaporator so you can have warm dry air to defog your windows. The problem here is that if the ventilation system fails it could be warming the air conditioned air making it feel like your AC isn’t working when in fact it’s working just fine. If you suspect this is your problem checking your air blend door actuator and the door itself for damage may be the solution.
Leaks are the most common of the car AC problems you might experience. A fast leak will often leave your air conditioning suddenly broken and a measurment of the pressure will turn up zero psi on either side of the compressor. Slow leaks often leave you with cool but not cold air and can cause your system to lose efficiency of the course of days or even weeks. If you suspect a leak in your system or otherwise are having a problems with your vehicles AC, contact us today.
Did you know that the defroster in most vehicles uses the A/C evaporator to remove moisture from the outside air before pumping it through the heater core? This moisture-ridden warm air is then sent to the vents pointed at your windshield to clear the window of fog and frost.
If the A/C in your vehicle is not performing as it should, warm air will still be blown on your windshield but the fault in the A/C system will result in moisture not being removed from the air. This warm moist air can cause moisture to collect on the inside of your windshield. It will not clear the window of moisture and may make fog worse.
Visit www.JacksonsServiceCenter.com/air-conditioning for more information…